Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday

Weather in my neck of the woods...
snowing again!  Last week we had a few days of mid 50's and a day at 60!  Next day was a snow storm.

Things that make me happy...
Being home with my family.

Book I'm reading...
A few for review.  But I'm reading through my owners manual of our NEW camera!!

What I'm enjoying on TV...
Absolutely NOTHING!!

On the menu for dinner...
Tater Tots and Sausage
Ham and scalloped rice (do not have any potatoes)

On my To Do list...
Learn about our new camera!!
Clean the house

New recipe I tried or want to try soon...

In the craft basket...
nothing much

Looking forward to this week...
Denver and the Mile High Orchestra concert.

Tips and tricks...
Enjoy the little moments in life.  Everything can change in a moment.

My favorite blog post this week...

Blog Hopping (new blog to share)...
Quiet Life she takes amazing pictures!  Also, the post she did about her daughter was truly heartwarming.

Favorite Photo...
The other day it was 60 degrees out.  We all went outside and had a snowball fight.  What you can't see is my children had shorts on...LOL!  Andrew was covered in mud.  We all had a great time.  Right after this shot Hannah was nailed with a snowball in the back.

Lesson learned the past few days...
Take time out of your day and have fun with your children!

On my mind...
A family in our town lost their 14 year old son to suicide.  Please remember them in prayer.  God knows who I'm talking about.  Our Church is going to reach out to them on Tuesday.

Devotionals, Scripture reading, key verses...
Romans 12:15 (NKJV)
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.
To see other Happy Homemaker posts visit Diary of a SAHM.

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