Friday, February 18, 2011

TOS Crew Review~~Kid Scoop The Reluctant Reader Solution

We have 2 children that do not like to read one bit!  So when this came up for review I was game!!  Anything to get them interested in reading.

Kid Scoop is offered in three parts:

People can go to the website to sign up to receive daily "Make Reading Fun" tip for 30 days.

The purchase price is $97 which includes: Reluctant Reader Solution a downloadable ebook.  The link to download will be emailed to you after purchase.  This ebook is a number of mini unit studies all in one zip file (which takes up less space on your computer)  You can see a picture of some sample pages below.
Second part included in the purchase price is an online newspaper for kids.  This is a monthly subscription.  You will receive an email with a link to access your monthly newspaper.

PRAISE THE LORD for this product.  My 2 reluctant readers have now started to enjoy reading!  Our oldest daughter who is 16 just did not care to read one bit...unless it was on the computer.  The first day we started using these she did the typical teenager thing and sighed with a roll of the eyes.  But I said just please humor me!!  She actually loved the worksheets.  She would go through and pick out the great recipes that were in some of them.  She also enjoyed writing some of the silly stories they asked her to write.

Our son is the other in the family that does not like reading.  But when he found out all the cool things about baseball he could know just by reading he was THRILLED!!  His favorite was the "Play Newspaper Baseball" worksheet.  In order to get a home run he had to write a number of stories.  So not only was he starting to enjoy reading he was writing as well!  I am SO overjoyed with the progress of his reading and writing.

Best of all there is very little preparation on my part.  I gave them the list to choose from and they picked out what they wanted to do.  Another neat thing was each day I received an email with a topic and fun thing to do.  They then grab the newspaper and circle whatever they were asked to find.  This was their favorite thing to do.  Now if I were to ask them before Kid Scoop to grab the newspaper and look for something I would of been met with sighs and complaints.  Thank you Kid Scoop!!

To see what my other crew members have said go on over HERE and visit them.

As a part of TOS CREW I received this product free for review in exchange for my honest review.

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