Thursday, July 17, 2014

Homemaking Meme

My sweet friend Sandra tagged me in this very neat meme.  I am not going to tag anyone but if you play along let me know.  It's a pretty neat one.  A great way to get to know more about fellow bloggers.

Aprons-Y/N if Y what does your favorite look like?  Yes.  My favorite is "just like grandma's"

Baking- Favorite thing to bake? Bread! I love everything about it.  Most of the time I am able to just throw the ingredients into my bread maker for delicious bread.

Clothesline- Y/N I love the clothesline.  But we do not have one here.  I have the next best thing.

Donuts-Have you ever made them? No. But they are defiantly on my bucket list of things to make.

Everyday-One homemaking thing you do everyday? There really isn't one thing I do everyday.  Each day I sweep the floors, dishes, and laundry.

Freezer-Do you have a separate deep freeze? Yes. We have a small chest freezer.

Garbage Disposal-Y/N No. We usually compost our scraps. 

Handbook-What is your favorite homemaking resource?  I love the old homemaking books.  Most of them I have found free on Kindle. 

Ironing-Love it or hate it? Ironing? What on earth is that.  This is one thing I do not enjoy!  I actually try to find wrinkle free things so I don't have to do it.  LOL

Junk Drawer-Y/N-Where is it? Yes.  It is the first drawer in the kitchen.  I really want to do away with it.  Drives me bonkers!

Kitchen-Color and decorating scheme? Peach walls with dark green counters.  I have various chickens throughout my kitchen.  I'm mostly about how a room functions rather than the decorations. 

Love-What is your favorite part of homemaking? Bringing joy to my family.  It's the special things I do for them that makes homemaking fun for me.

Mop-Y/N Yes.  With three teenagers (and friends) running in and out of the house I mop 2-3 times a week. 

Nylons-Wash by hand or in washing machine? Do not use them. 

Oven-Do you use the window to check on things or do you open the door? If I'm baking a cake I try not to open the door.  But other things I do.

Pizza-What do you put on yours? I love veggies on my pizza.  We make pizza often here.  So we try to make different kinds.  Buffalo Chicken pizza is a favorite of the family.

Quiet-What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Quiet?? What on earth is that? Seriously...I read my Bible.

Recipe Card Box-Y/N Yes.  I have my mother-in-law's recipe card box.  I never had the chance to know her so these are a piece of her I cherish.

Style of House? Simple.  Nothing extravagant.  I try not to have many nick knacks around just looks too cluttered to me.

Tablecloth and napkins-Y/N Yes.  My husband got me a beautiful table cloth and napkins at the museum recently.  Hand painted...I love it.

Under the kitchen sink-Organized or toxic wasteland? Organized

Vacuum-How many times per week? 2-3 times a week.

Wash-How many loads per week? I do at least one a day sometimes more.

X's-Do you make a daily to do list and check it off as you do things? No I usually know what I need to do.

Yard-Y/N-Who does What?  Matt and Andrew do a lot of the mowing.  Katrina and Hannah love to help out as well.

Zzz's- What is the last homemaking task you do for the day before you go to bed? Make sure the counter is cleaned off.  I often run the dishwasher at night.


Sandra said...

I run my dishwasher at night too LOL

Yes, Yes, Yes on the old homemaking books on the kindle, love those :)

And I have to say, your tablecloth is gorgeous.

Thank you for playing along Jen, I know many people don't like being tagged for meme's but it had been such a long time since we'd all done one I figured it would be fun.

Anna said...

I have a drying rack which, I really like, that we used in the apartment. We've moved back into our house which is too small for the drying rack, I do have a clothesline but hardly use it since we are so busy. I shared the meme too.

Tasha said...

I hang my clothes out on aline but i also have an drying rack too love it.
and my breadmaker love making bread also.
i ran across your blog from sandra and i love your blog