Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Homemaker Monday

Weather in my neck of the woods...
After 4 weeks of no rain....Praise the Lord it's raining.  Our poor gardens were so dry.  We were having trouble keeping up with the watering. 

Things that make me happy...
Knowing that no matter what I am going through God is right there with me.

Book I'm reading...
A few for review
College textbooks

What I'm enjoying on TV...
Not much TV watching this summer.  It's great!!

On the menu for dinner...
Pork Chops and stuffing
Green beans

On my To Do List...
Get ready for camping this weekend
Homeschool lesson plans
Homeschool co op stuff
Get ready for Hubby's Bday tomorrow!

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon...
Sadly not much cooking going on here.

In the craft basket...

Looking forward to this week...
Camping!!  We have friends coming down this weekend!

Tips and Tricks...
I've said it before....Do not sweat the small stuff!  God has it under control.

My favorite blog post this week...

New Discovered Blog...
I love Old Fashioned everything!!  I've been reading this blog for a bit now. 
It's called Old Fashioned Tips.

Favorite Picture...

Lesson learned the past few days...
Kids are able to handle things many times better than us adults can.  When I had to tell my son about the death of our dog a couple of weeks ago he took it like a man.  He was in shock at first, but stood there with me and my Dad and said nothing much at all.  He ran into the house after I told him...I thought it was because he didn't want me to see him crying.  When I asked him he said...No I had to go to the bathroom.  :-)  The kids have been taking this so well.  I think I took it harder than they did.  I'm still struggling with it.  I often think how silly I am to be grieving this way over a dog....but she was just as much a part of the family as anyone.

On my mind...
I'm struggling with my biology class.  I mean REALLY having a hard time.  Please say a prayer for me.  It's not so much the content of the class that is hard.  It's the way the professor is presenting it.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses...
1 Peter 4:7
"But the end of all things is at hand;
therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers."

Christ could come back at anytime!  Everyone should be ready to give a reason for the way they have lived.  We need have to get rid of ALL sinful passions to get rid of Christ's return.

To see other Happy Homemaker posts visit Diary of a SAHM.


Six In The Northwest said...

It's always greener on the other're looking for rain and we're looking to share it so that we can have some sun and getting the veggies in the garden to even blossom. Guess I just need to come to terms that this will be a 'green tomato' year for us.

Sandra said...

We just got rain too, I love it :)

Your dinner sounds yummy and I see you're getting homeschooling ready as well :)