Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather in my neck of the woods: beautiful sunny, cool breeze, temps in the high 70's low 80's today. I love this type of weather. Not too hot not too cold!

One of my simple pleasures: lately I've been sitting out by the garden just looking at everything around us. We have so many birds around us this year.

On my bedside table: Bible, fan, cell phone

On my TV: nothing

On the menu for tonight: ground turkey and stuffing meatballs cooked in gravy over noodles. Something I am making up as I go along.

On my To Do List: laundry from camping this past weekend...with the amount of rain we had I should of just placed them in a bucket with detergent. Also, we are going back to camp this weekend...hopefully no rain this time!

New Recipe I tried last week: I forgot many of the ingredients to make my macaroni salad. Oh I remembered the mayo and macaroni. But...forgot seasonings!! So in the refrigerator we had a jar of bread and butter pickles, so I used 2 tablespoon of pickle juice, ran to the store for garlic and onion powder. My hubby said it was the best he's ever tasted! He doesn't even like pickles...LOL!

In the craft basket: many things to go through. My brother in law's Mom passed away and she had a ton of yarn and crochet hooks that they gave to me!! I now have almost every size available. I'm going to make myself a hook roll to keep them him...something like a crayon roll but a bit bigger.

Looking forward to: going back to camp this weekend. The speaker was GREAT! Even though we got soaked Thursday night...we had such a good time, after we dried out. We do have a camper but my Mom and Dad were there also, so hubby and I usually stay in a tent. For the last few days we were there we slept in their van with the back seat taken out and our air mattress in there...which I might add didn't keep air in it for some reason!

Homemaking Tip for this week: when you leave home for a few days clean clean clean! You will love coming home to a clean home. Although...I spent most of last night cleaning it again!

Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other): My vacation post! We felt like "Lucy and Ricky" that night...except I was crying....Matthew...instead of Ricky. I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of us water logged but I didn't even want to take the camera out during the rain.

Favorite photo from last week: This is the storm rolling in on us Thursday night.
Lesson learned the past few days: It's ok to laugh when things are going pouring rain on you while camping.

On my Prayer List: family, soldiers, church family

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: "Love is the beginning, love is the middle and love is the end. After He comes in, all you see is Jesus only, Jesus ever." Oswald Chambers
To read other Happy Homemaker posts visit Diary of a SAHM.


Sandra said...

LOL you are just like me, I left my house all clean before I left but then I came home and cleaned it all again top to bottom.

Sarah said...

don't ya just love how recipes can change- and sometimes turn out better when ya have to make it up as you go. good job improvising! have a wonderufl time camping!

Debra said...

We are on the same wavelength today! My homemaking tip is surprisingly similar to yours. As is my lesson - only I didn't explain about the 'detour in the road' in my post. We got to the Mountains on Friday and were leaving our truck and trailer down at the lodge where some friends were staying - so we only had to haul our 'stuff' up the hill in our small Polaris Ranger. Well, just as we were getting ready to put everything in the ranger the skies opened up. Some friends of our friends had just arrived at the lodge so we ran to their cabin and hung out with them for about 30minutes until the rain passed. We had fun visiting w/ them & getting to know them better, something that probably wouldn't have happened if not for the rain.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh I wish I could get my house clean before I leave. Never works. What an amazing photo of the clouds.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a Blessed Week,

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I can't leave the house dirty or messy.
It sounds like you had a super weekend. I enjoyed your post.