Tuesday, May 21, 2024



Hello again! Remember me? Goodness, my poor neglected blog. The last time I posted I said I wanted to blog more. Well life once again happened. We went through so many trials I felt as if life was spinning out of control. But God....

As I mentioned in the title we are moving! June 14th we will be closing on the property of our dreams! Old farmhouse with 2 acres of land on a back road! Matt and I have been praying for this since we were dating in 2002! We are very thankful for the home the Lord has provided to us all these years. This house was my childhood home. So selling it has been such a rollercoaster of emotions.    

Our current home and my childhood home. 

The one we are purchasing is not far from our current location. But let me tell you, it is a whole different world where we are going. Currently we live right in the middle of the village on the main road. We are about a stones throw from the school. It was great when our kids were growing up, our house was the place the friends like to hang out. The house we are buying needs some TLC but nothing major!! Paint and elbow grease we will be good to go!

June 14th this will be our new home!  It has vinyl siding in great condition. We will paint the trim and the shutters. Eventually we will remove the ramp and put on a covered porch. The view from this property is AMAZING! 

This is looking towards the property. As you can see there is nothing but farmland on all sides! Like I said it was a dream to own property like this. When we went to the property to look at it the first time both my husband and myself felt like it was home! Oddly, neither of us told the other how we were feeling about it. So many things about this property reminded us of pieces of our childhood. 

This is the view looking towards where the other photo was taken. We will have almost 2 acres of land that we own. So let me share with you the story of how God has provided this property for us! Never in a million years could we have thought this would be possible. But God....

If you have been a reader of mine for any length of time you know how much I love old windows!! Well now I have some of my own (almost)! Now onto the story....

Like I mentioned above, my husband and I have been praying for property for many years. We wanted a small farm. Years went by, over 20 to be exact, we thought the Lord just wanted us to remain in the village indefinitely. It was then that we started growing a lot of our own food right here in the village. We had many failed attempts at it due to the deer population here in the village. 

So we turned it into fort Knox!! We ended up placing palettes we had found at local businesses all around the green fence. I actually loved the way it looked. I was able to harvest a lot from the garden last year. It was so nice to have again. We had tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, spaghetti squash, green beans and zucchini. 

I even attempted to put in an orchard. We planted 2 pear trees and a couple of grapevines. Neither survived. I just think the soil wasn't right for them. 

God used this time to teach me valuable lessons. The main one is that if I leave myself "unattended" the weeds will grow up fast. That will separate me from God. I never want to be in that place ever again. 

OK back to the story of our new home....

So about a month later we went back to the property and looked at it again. This time Matt and I walked around the house praying and asking the Lord to give us a clear answer on His will for this property. We prayed inside and then went outside and walked the property praying. We BOTH felt this was where the Lord wanted us. This is where our change within occurred! We needed to give God complete trust in this situation. We needed to take a HUGE leap of faith that He would work everything out. See we needed to sell our house and get this one for less than what ours sold for. If anyone knows anything about the real estate market today, that is no easy task. But God....

My new kitchen!!

I'm sure you can guess what happened next. YES! God worked everything out. We sold our home (it sold in less than 2 days), had our offer accepted on the new house!! I am so humbled by God's goodness to us. 

I mentioned before that we did a walk around the property before putting in the offer. We got to the side of the property where there is a deep ravine / hollow.  Neither my husband nor I were talking to each other at this point. We were still praying. I looked over to my right and I saw a bunch of black raspberries as well as Chinese Lanterns! My grandparents hillside was covered in black raspberries. We would head out bright and early in the morning to pick some for our breakfast. The Chinese Lanterns really hit me! I've tried for years to plant them, with no luck. I have seed pods saved from my grandmother. It was a whisper from God sealing the deal! 

So on June 14th we will officially take ownership of this property. We are so excited. We plan to get chickens as soon as we are settled and my husband gets the coop built. 

Isn't this the most gorgeous looking chicken?? I hope to add one like it to my flock. Reminds me of my Dalmatian I had. 

In a year or two I plan on having a few dual purpose sheep. I want to process the wool and milk them. I'm looking at East Friesian breed for that. This coming Saturday I'm taking a class to learn how to process the wool. SO excited. 

That brings me to the end (or is it the beginning??) of the home journey! We came up with a name for our little farm:

Whispering Hollow Farms! We heard the whisper from God along the hollow / ravine that this was our home! So most likely the next time I update will be from our new home!

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