Friday, April 7, 2023

Back to Simplicity


When I think of the world today I think of chaos, messes and just a lot of stuff. I don't know if it is the fact that I am getting older, maturing, or going through my grandparent's belonging that has me thinking. It is probably a mixture of both. I miss the quiet and simple life. I am so blessed to have grown up on a farm. It instilled in me a work ethic that many do not have. I am happiest when I am in my garden, walking among the chickens, or in my kitchen putting up food for winter. 

 The above picture is the farm I grew up on in the southern tier of New York. The barn in the picture is no longer there. It burnt a long time ago. But oh there are so many memories for me on this piece of property. From all of the work that goes into running a farm, to the family celebrations we had, sitting at the counter watching my Grandmother cook, sitting at the same counter watching my Mother and Aunt can up our garden produce. 

I often think of the view out of the door at the farmhouse. Just miles and miles of dirt roads just waiting for me to explore. OH how I wish I could return to that way of life. I love my job, but I really desire to be at home taking care of my family in all the ways a wife and mother should be doing. 

So instead of wishing for things in my life to change, I decided that I would do what I could to try and get a little bit of simplicity back into our lives. I have drastically limited my time on social media. I have not opened Facebook or Instagram in a week. Let me tell you I already feel SO much better. I was becoming so envious of those that were living the life I dream of having again. It was really causing me to sin with envy. I also find I have so much more time to do what I enjoy. Blogging is one of those things. Yes my blog is pretty much old school but also shows simplicity. I am anxiously awaiting the replacement lens for my camera. My 50mm lens was dropped and broke. So I sent it away to be repaired. I should have it in my hands soon! Photography has been such an outlet for me. I can just wander around taking pictures forgetting everything going on around me. 

You will be seeing a lot more of the things here that bring me joy and peace. I am excited to be putting in a good size garden this year. I hope to get a lot of produce put up this year. I am digging out my trusty canners to help me with this task. I plan on canning salsa, pickled garlic, tomato sauce, pizza sauce, pepper jelly, raspberry jelly, dandelion jelly, and a number of pickles. I am getting excited just thinking about it. It has been about 10 years since I have done any canning or gardening. 

My pray is that one day soon I will be able to give up the corporate world and be back doing what I was truly created for. Worshiping God (which I already do!) and living a life of simplicity. Which I can do now as well. 


Estrella said...

Thanks for your thoughtful and thorough content

Lauren said...

Lauren from California, I am 29 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer & hsv 1/2 and diabetes, ease of treatment and a similar story, except for my first acceptance as a rejection of herbal medicine. I was not part of the Perseid movement and did not really build relationships with any of them, I just believed in their operation. I say this because it was during the use of Dr. Jekawo herbal medicine that I now attest that herbal medicine is real, the phytotherapy Dr. Jekawo cures my breast cancer,hsv,diabetes which I suffered for 2 years. Dr. Jekawo herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same breast cancer or any type of human illness, including HIV / AIDS, herpes cancer, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer, Dementia,Alzheimer's disease,testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / MAN, LOT OF LOVE, LOTTERY. ITS CONTACT THE GREAT HEALER DR JEKAWO EMAIL /
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