Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dayspring Christian Academy

Dayspring Christian Academy is an online principle approach school.  What is principle approach you ask?  Well it is based on teaching using solid biblical principles.  The goal of this kind of approach is to restore America to it's original heritage.  There is an actual Dayspring Christian Academy located in PA.
  "The Principle Approach is very intentional in its purpose: equipping young men and women to help restore America to her gospel purpose, thereby helping to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission."
For the past few weeks we have been enjoying the online class, The Pilgrim Story.  We were given a full 6-month subscription to this course.  It is designed for children in grades 3-6.
The Pilgrim Story course has 5 units with a total of 17 lessons.  The lessons are completely audio with a slide show to go along with them.  The course is completely self-paced.  You will have access to the course for 6 months.  The course is $99.  It is available to you within 48 hours of the order.
We learned SO much about the Pilgrims so far with this course. 
True or False: The Pilgrims actually wore the big silver buckles they are pictured to have on their shoes and hats?
Some of the topics covered in this course are:
King Henry
Geneva Bible
Liberty of Conscience
Leaving Leiden
Conditions on the Mayflower
Building Christian Character
The Mayflower Compact
and many more!
Our lessons generally took us about 60 minutes.  With a break half way through.
At the bottom of the course screen was all the information you need to complete the lessons.  It is here that we found our note sheets.  I loved these.  Not only did it make the kids pay attention to the lecture, but they are building their note taking skills.  But because this is self paced you can pause it at anytime so your children can get what they need.
Here is a picture of one of the note sheets we used.  If you have a child who really does not like writing this might be something you really should look into.  Usually the part that the kids had to fill in was one or two words.  Sometimes there was a little more.  Once the sheet is filled in completely they place it into their binder. 
The graphics in this course are very clear and sometimes very eye catching.  This one was one of our favorites.  This is what we picture when we talk about Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims.  We are learning there is so much more that we never knew before.  Our computer is capable of running on our TV so it was easy for all to see the lectures. 
There are questions to be answered throughout the lessons.  I like that the kids cannot go past it until they have answered the question.
I love time lines.  It is a great way to put things into perspective for those learning history.  The timeline is very easy to read here.  Sometimes you get time lines that are just lines and words making it hard for some to follow.
At the end of the lesson there is a review.  The student answers questions about the lesson.  They are multiple choice and really not that difficult.  This also gets the student prepared for tests if you do not use them throughout the year in your school.
We love Dayspring Christian Academy online course.  I look forward to seeing what other online courses become available.
If you would like to see what other crew members have to say about this visit the Crew Blog for a list.
Disclaimer~As a member of the crew we were give a 6 month subscription to this course free in exchange for our honest review.  All opinions are my own or my children.

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