Friday, February 26, 2010

My NEW toy!!

Hubby and I have wanted new computers for sometime.  The computer we have is pretty least as computers go.  My Dad has put many new parts in it.  So here is my new toy.... Dell Inspiron Laptop!!

It is SO much quicker than our desk top computer is.  My Dad even came over and hooked up wireless internet for us...WOOHOO.  I can surf the web in the kitchen...LOL!  But I'm afraid of getting something spilled on it in the kitchen.
My computer is red!!  I really wanted yellow..since that is my favorite color.  It really was a difficult decision for me...LOL!  Hubby just didn't understand why it was so hard to decide.  Can any of you relate???  Color makes a BIG difference in many things...even computers!  Or is it just me? LOL!


Keeper of the Home said...

Very comuters are always so much fun!

~Mrs. M

Pastor Ron said...

lol...i totally understand!