Friday, June 20, 2008

Peaceful Moments

Believe it or is hard for me to believe sometimes....we are having more and more peaceful moments here. The children are growing up so quickly. Last night we had our "Thanksgiving Dinner". We had a turkey in the freezer we had to use so we saved it for when the children had finished up school. I am thrilled to say that we finished a week ahead of time! We had all the trimmings, turkey, stuffing, squash, mashed potatoes and an apple pie. I'm real thankful that it was cooler yesterday. We went around the table and said a word of thanks. Each one of them were of course thankful that school was done! But each one also gave a heart felt thanks to God for something. It really touched our hearts. Katie was thankful for our home, Hannah was thankful for our family, Andrew was thankful that we are able to buy food like this. I was almost moved to tears. much for peaceful moments....after dinner the children went down to their rooms and Andrew promptly yelled...FATHER...there is water coming in Hannah's room from the ceiling! Yikes! Well the pipes under the sink in the kitchen are shot. My husband tried to tape them for the time being but as he was taping them they broke right in his hand. Guess we can't complain...they held for over 50 years. So we need to call our personal neighbor hood plumber, Happy Papa...LOL...Happy Mama's husband to see if he will come over and help my husband put it back together with new piping. If he is unable my brother may be able to come and help out. But he lives a bit further. Our third option will be to wait until my Dad returns on Tuesday. So last night we had to take part of the ceiling down to let it all dry out. Then we will put it back together later. Our bright side son said...."hey you said you wanted to clean the carpets in Hannah's room, so now all you need is the soap." I didn't let any of this worry me, which is huge progress for me.

I've been trying very hard to get up with my Husband and give him a proper send off for the day. Today I actually did it. Now he gets up at 5 AM! I am not by nature a morning person. But last night I prayed that God would help me accomplish this for my Husband....I'm so happy to say I did it. Of course I'll probably fall asleep during dinner tonight at our friends house...Sorry ahead of time Happy Mama! LOL. But after he left I was able to get so much done. I was able to spend a lot of time in God's word and just be with my Father as the day began. It really is amazing how clear your mind is that early in the morning. It really is peaceful that time of day, birds chirping, clock ticking can be very relaxing. Well after all that peace I was ready for a nap. LOL. So I laid down and slept for about an hour. Now I feel so refreshed and ready for the soon as I get another cup of coffee that is.....Have a GREAT and blessed day. Remember, at the end of the day What reflection do you see in the window or mirror?


Pastor Ron said...

Funny Funny Funny!..You know you won't be able to sleep here with Tornado and Lady Bug going and going and going. As for Happy Papa's help I think we might be able to arrange something! LOL!

Heart 4 My Home said...

Thanksgiving dinner....YUM! I have been so in the mood for a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Come on holidays...I can't wait.