Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Blizzard of March 2014

Well here we are all nestled snug in our warm home with a raging blizzard outside.  We have not had a storm like this one in a very long time.  This post will be full of pictures and not many words. 

This picture was taken around 10 am.  It had already been snowing for about 3 hours.

We had almost 6 inches of snow at 2 PM.  The problem isn't really the snow as much as the wind.  We have gust of up to 50 MPH at times.

This is our current amount of snow.  Taken at 5 PM EST.  The weatherman is calling for another 5-7 inches of snow!

We took the opportunity to make some snow ice cream.  It was VERY good. 

So how has your family endured the Blizzard of 2014?  Did you do anything special?


Farmlife Chick said...

So, you're going to show us a picture of ice cream and not give us the recipe!!!? Lol! Can you hear me chanting? Recipe! Recipe! Recipe!

Jen said...

SO sorry about not sharing the recipe. Hahaha!

It's about 4 cups of snow. 8 ounces of heavy cream or half and half. 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

Make sure everything is VERY cold! I placed my mixing bowl outside for about an hour.

Mix everything together until well blended.

For sweetener you can use whatever you like. Maple syrup is one of our favorites. Sugar is another favorite. Or even honey. I've also mixed in some frozen berries to sweeten it up.

Do not eat will get a brain freeze. Haha