Wednesday, January 4, 2012

TOS Review~~REAL Homeschool Spanish

Price: $49.95 Download or $89.95 Hard Copy.                                                       
Age/Grade Level: Anyone can and will benefit from using this program.             

REAL Homeschool Spanish teaches your children and you the parent how to learn Spanish together in a fun and effective way.  The curriculum comes with a planning guide and daily planning chart which shows you how to integrate language learning into your family's everyday life. 

Each unit is made up of vocabulary clusters with easy phrases to present the materials.  There are 33 vocabulary clusters and 15 idea sections with 3-4 pages of activities.

REAL Homeschool Spanish believes that a relaxed environment encourages positive language learning.  You are encouraged to work at your own pace through this curriculum.  A person learns a foreign language best through conversation.

We loved this!!  Not only our children but us as well.  My favorite part of this program...we can work at our own pace and not feel as if we have to rush through just to finish. 

For review purposes we were sent a download of:
Activity Book
Activity Book Audio
Answer Key
Book Audio
Black and White copy of Book
Daily Curriculum Guide

       In the book there is a weekly planning schedule that you fill in.  Your family might have to take more than one week to learn certain words...which was the case for our family.  We started out with greetings.  This was pretty easy since we already knew some of these.  Through out the book you see little audio symbols that tell you to go check out the audio portion.  I like the audio because sometimes I just can not remember how to pronounce something.  With the audio we can play and replay it until we are able to speak it. 

The activity book was full of great worksheets.  These worksheets go right along with the book.  Because of the digital format if I need to print them again I can.  There are fun puzzle sheets included in the activity book.  Since my husband and I are learning right along with the kids we had fun doing these as well.

Not only did we learn a lot, but we had fun!!  No stress involved in learning another language.  The kids are excited to write in Spanish to our Compassion Child. 

You can see Samples of the curriculum HERE to try for yourself.    

Go on over to the crew blog and read what the others are saying.

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