Sunday, October 30, 2011

TOS Review~~Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks

As a part of The Old Schoolhouse's Homeschool Review Crew we were sent Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks book and DVD of Fire Safety Songs published by Marshall Publishing Inc

This book and DVD can be purchased HERE for $29.95.

This product was by far a favorite of our son, Andrew!  Why....he wants to be a firefighter when he grows up.  Oh I stand corrected...he just told me he WILL be a firefighter when he grows up.

Photo Credit: Batavia Daily News

The above picture is not my son.  :-) 

The book was full of great information about firefighting.  It has everything from the protective clothing to recipes.  Andrew and I are excited to get into the kitchen and make some of the things listed in this book.  You will get a great overview of firefighting equipment as well.  Notice in the picture below...although it's upside down...Andrew made his own SCBA (self contained breathing apparatus)

Andrew eats, breaths and lives to be a firefighter.  This is my son, words of not leave the grill when he is around.  :-)

We have enjoyed looking through and learning about all the trucks involved in the fire company.  When we see one out and about we start discussing what that truck does.  Because I am a former member of the fire service I remember what the function of the trucks are.  But it was great to have the little refresher.

The DVD had a number of catchy songs.  I still hear my son singing these songs....ok yes I do as well.  Some might say they are "cheesy" but go in and get your inner will soon find yourself singing right along.  They are very catchy!

In the back of the book are wonderful websites for you to further explore information about the fire service.  We have enjoyed looking at these.

If you go HERE to Marshall Publishing's website.  Not only do they publish the Firefighting book and DVD, they also have Monster Trucks, Jets and Planes, Trains and many more. 

You can visit TOS Homeschool Review Crew's blog and see what my other crew mates are saying as well about this.

***As a part of TOS Homeschool Review Crew we were sent the Lots and Lots of Fire Trucks book and DVD free in exchange for my honest review.***

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