Friday, January 8, 2010

Book Review---The Busy Couple's Guide to sharing the work and the joy

Let me start by saying I LOVED this book. It was such an easy read. I read it all in one day. That gave me a chance to read it again. Another reason I liked this book is you can read any chapter in any order and still get all the information from it. Kathy's husband Bill also puts in the man's point of view through out the book.

Right off I knew I was going to get a lot of helpful hints from this book. Why? Because right in the first chapter there is a form you can copy and use. Instead of To-Do lists she suggests you use this "Weekly hit list". I love the sound of that and so does my family. There is a spot for weekly time and scheduling. Then there is boxes for different areas of family management. We are placing it in our home management binder. Time management is our families biggest problem is time management. Kathy's book is full of useful information that I pray our family will use.

With everything from time management to managing family relationships there is something in this book for everyone. Each chapter is full of helpful charts and forms to help your family become more organized. I HIGHLY recommend this book.

Tyndale has provided me with a copy of this book free for review.

1 comment:

Renee said...

This book sounds great! I'll have to get a copy and read it. Thanks for the review.