Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

Thank you Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for being our wonderful hostess.

As I look outside my window
Snow, more snow and wind driven snow.  We are still in the teens with temperatures.  Overnight we are expecting below zero temperatures again.  Tomorrow we will be around a high of 8 degrees.

Right now I am
Watching the snow blow around.  Listening to my husband get ready for work.

Thinking and pondering
About how great God is!!  I have learned (again) that giving God the situation is best no matter what!!  We have a lot going on here.  I know God is in control so I can just hold on and go through it.  I know that I will be a stronger person because of the trial I am in.

On my bedside table
Cough drops and my Kindle

On my TV tonight
Not sure I will have the energy to watch anything.  The kids have been up most of the night with some kind of stomach issue.  Once my head hits the pillow I know I will be out.

Listening to
Andrew is watching Tom and Jerry.

On the menu for this week
Monday~ Chicken and Stuffing
Tuesday~ Chicken pot pie
Wednesday~ Roast Chicken (store had a nice sale on chicken can you tell?)
Thursday~ Skillet Lasagna
Friday~ Family fun day

On my to do list
Deep clean the kitchen
Straighten our room
Purge the schoolroom

Plans for this week
Since we are down to one vehicle I do not do much during the week.  If I need to go anywhere I have to take my husband to work.  We are working on purchasing another vehicle for my husband to drive back and forth to work.

What I am sewing, crocheting or knitting
I am actually going to make my first quilt.  It's a rag quilt made from old jeans.

My simple pleasure
Sometimes I just enjoy turning everything off and sitting in the living room looking out the window.  We have a street light in front of the house.

Lesson learned the past week
Wait on the Lord and He will provide.  He usually does it in a way that goes above any expectations we have.

Looking around the house
Many things to finish.  We are looking into having our house painted.  So we have been calling around for estimates.

From the camera

The kids were invited to a friend's birthday party a couple of weeks ago.  It was at the ice rink.  The kids have never been ice skating before.  Katrina skated for about 15 minutes.  She did great but then fell and didn't want to continue.  Hannah had determination I have not seen from her ever!  She fell and got right back up about three times.  The third time she fell she landed right on her elbow.  That was it, she didn't want to skate anymore.  Andrew took to it like he'd been skating for years.  He's pretty athletic that way.

Prayer list
We have some major decisions to make and would appreciate prayers.
My dad who had  partial knee replacement in December.  His knee is not responding like he had hoped.
Some people we know going through health problems.
My friend Sandra and her family as her husband is looking for a job.

Bible Verse
3 John 1
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."


Farmlife Chick said...

I can totally picture him in a hockey uniform!:)

Julia said...

You have a lot going for a person who is sick. I hope that you feel better soon.
Nothing better than chicken soup when you're down with a cold but why wait for a cold to have Chicken Soup. lol... Chickens are on special.

I used to love skating when I was young. We were skating on ponds with ill fitting skates and we always had a fire to warm up by and we skated by the light of the moon sometimes. What fun...